Projects in Approval Studio have the following statutes.

  1. Active 
  2. On hold 
  3. Completed
  4. Archived

In addition, the system can define two different conditions for active projects:

  1. In progress 
  2. Pending

All Active and On Hold projects are visible on the dashboard, next to the active tasks.

When a new project is created it assigned Active status and In Progress condition.

If there is an active task on the Active project, the project condition is automatically changed to Pending.

Any Active In Progress project can be set to On Hold status. 

On Hold project can be set to Active status. This project will be automatically set to In Progress or Pending condition, depending on whether it has active tasks or not.

Any Active or On Hold project can be set to Completed status.

Completed projects are located in a separate tab. The completed project can be set back to Active or Archive.

Archived projects are also stored under a separate tab. Archived projects can only be set to Active.