Traditionally, every new release brings new interesting features and bug fixes.

Here’s what we’ve prepared for you this time:

  • Slack integration! We introduce 2 types of Slack integrations:
    • Company level – you will see the updates from every project in your company and all the Slack members will always be on one and the same page with you. Immediate updates!
    • Project level – your team needs to track just certain projects? Get immediate heads-ups from the project(s) you need.
  • Show\Hide ALL annotations:
    • You told us, that on-image annotations, especially when there are a lot of them, may distract you from the whole picture. Fixed! With one click, you can hide all the annotations from the graphic file you are reviewing. Another click and they are back! Thanks for this request and enjoy!
  • Annotations are now available even in Compare mode!
    • This is a totally opposite request. You said that sometimes you need to see the annotations when comparing different versions. Done. Use Show\Hide All Annotations button to see the annotations even in compare mode. By default, they are turned off.

The new version also increased the speed of uploaded files processing, as well as the Approval Studio PRO dashboard and task rendering. We have also fixed minor issues with localization and review tools.

Stay tuned for more interesting features in Approval Studio coming with the next releases. And don’t be a stranger, contact our team with your ideas on how to improve Approval Studio.
