Prerequisites: Adobe Photoshop or/and Adobe Illustrator are installed, and Adobe Creative Cloud is available. 

How to Install: Download the installations for Windows or macOS and run them on your computer for a more straightforward installation process. 

If the way above failed due to some reason, use a third-party tool called Anastasiy’s Extension Manager (it is available both for PC and Mac): 

1. Get Anastasiy’s Extension Manager

2. Download the ZXP file. 

3. Install the ZXP file with Anastasiy’s Extension Manager. 

4. Open Photoshop and go to Window > Extensions > Approval Studio to open the extension panel.

How To Manually Install On MacOS: 

1. Close Adobe Photoshop or/and Adobe Illustrator if you have it opened. 

2. Download the ZXP file. 

3. Change the file extension of the downloaded file from .zxp to .zip 

4. Open the following folder in Finder: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/ 

5. Create a new folder, e.g., "Approval Studio," so you end up with the following path: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/Approval Studio/ 

6. Extract all files and folders from inside the ZIP file to the new folder you created in step 5. 

7. Open Adobe Photoshop or/and Adobe Illustrator and go to Window > Extensions > Approval Studio to open the Approval Studio panel.