Congratulations, the new version of Approval Studio is online. The first update of Autumn has brought many bug fixes and optimizations for the old and the new dashboards. However, we haven’t forgotten about the new features either.

First of all, the new Notification section. This is the first iteration of system notifications. At this moment, the notifications allow the Approval Studio team to send you short updates. Don’t worry, we are not going to spam you but will notify you about the most significant changes and updates. In the future, we will add the possibility to send messages within the team for the company admins. Reach out to our team and let us know what you think about the new Notification Center.

Among other changes, we have added the ‘Approved with Changes” button for Pro users. By default, it’s turned off, and you will have only 2 options available – Approve and Request Changes. However, if you need the third option – “Approve with Changes,” reach out to our support team and request its activation.

We keep on working on the New Dashboard implementation. In this release, we have added the Approved\Rejected statuses on the Project Card for Lite version users. In the next update, we will add the Project Timeline and Project Discussion features. With that, we expect the first phase of transition to the new design to be completed and will make the New Dashboard the primary one. Don’t hesitate to contact the Approval Studio team if you have any suggestions on improving the New Dashboard or if you think that we missed some features.

Thanks again for your help in making Approval Studio better by suggesting new features and sharing your ideas about system improvement with us.
